Showing 1 - 25 of 160 Results
A dictionary of the Kashmiri language . Compiled partly from materials left by the late Pand... by George Abraham Grierson, 18... ISBN: 9781172841431 List Price: $31.75
Curiosities of Indian Literature by Grierson, George Abraham, S... ISBN: 9781169496934 List Price: $24.76
Pisaca Languages of North-Western Indi by Grierson, George Abraham ISBN: 9781177716000 List Price: $24.75
Sivaparinayah; a Poem in the Kashmiri Language by Krsna Rajanaka, Razdan with a Chaya of Glo... by Rajanaka, Krsna, Shastri, M... ISBN: 9781177786942 List Price: $46.75
Curiosities of Indian Literature by Grierson, George Abraham, S... ISBN: 9781166405830 List Price: $12.76
Ishkashmi, Zebaki, and Yazghulami, an Account of Three Eranian Dialects by Grierson, George Abraham ISBN: 9781176738973 List Price: $20.75
Introduction to the Grammar of the Kui or Kandh Language by Letchmajee, Lingum, Grierso... ISBN: 9781178625509 List Price: $17.75
Bibliography of Western Hindi, Including Hindostani by Grierson, Sir George Abraham ISBN: 9781231004845 List Price: $8.62
The Pi CA Languages of North-Western India by George Abraham Grierson Sir ISBN: 9781357031213 List Price: $24.95
A Bibliography of Western Hindi, Including Hindostani by George Abraham Grierson, Sir ISBN: 9781110210855 List Price: $16.99
The Modern Vernacular of Hindustan by Grierson, George Abraham ISBN: 9781152206526 List Price: $25.88
The Modern Vernacular Literature of Hindustan by Grierson, George Abraham ISBN: 9781144695109 List Price: $26.75
A Bibliography of Western Hindi, Including Hindostani by Grierson, George Abraham ISBN: 9781110210923 List Price: $16.75
An Introduction to the Maithili Dialect of the Bihari Language as Spoken in North Bihar by Grierson, George Abraham ISBN: 9781151481474 List Price: $22.54
Bihar Peasant Life, Being a Discursive Catalogue of the Surroundings of the People of That P... by Grierson, George Abraham ISBN: 9781152199842 List Price: $51.14
Ishkashmi, Zebaki, and Yazghulami, an Account of Three Eranian Dialects by Grierson, George Abraham ISBN: 9781152346222 List Price: $20.00
The Pisaca Languages of North-Western India by Grierson, George Abraham ISBN: 9781141772605 List Price: $24.75
Bihar Peasant Life: Being a Discursive Catalogue of the Surroundings of the People of That P... by Grierson, George Abraham ISBN: 9781144092922 List Price: $49.75
A Dictionary of the Kashmiri Language . Compiled Partly From Materials Left by the Late Pand... by Grierson, George Abraham ISBN: 9781152231047 List Price: $52.99
Bihar Peasant Life: Being a Discursive Catalogue of the Surroundings of the People of That P... by Grierson, George Abraham ISBN: 9781143643934 List Price: $50.75
Curiosities Of Indian Literature (1895) by Grierson, George Abraham, S... ISBN: 9781120185099 List Price: $15.95
Seven Grammars of the Dialects and Subdialects of the Bihr Language, Spoken in the Province ... by Grierson, George Abraham ISBN: 9781153156622 List Price: $20.00
Ishkashmi, Zebaki, and Yazghulami, an Account of Three Eranian Dialects by Grierson, George Abraham ISBN: 9781154952162 List Price: $20.00
A Comparative Dictionary of the Bihari Language, Part 1 by Grierson, George Abraham, H... ISBN: 9781146809009 List Price: $24.75
The Pisaca Languages of North-Western India by Grierson, George Abraham ISBN: 9781154814026 List Price: $18.15
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